Health Systems
Expand Capacity
Remote Monitoring allows health systems to expand bed capacity by providing patient care outside the traditional setting.
Improved Health Outcomes
Studies show that patients in remote monitoring programs show a marked improvement in health outcomes.
Support Healthcare Utilization Management
Gain crucial insights for healthcare utilization management in Remote Patient Monitoring through enhanced patient engagement in managing health conditions.
Advantages of FORAConnect in facilities and large health systems:
Superior Care Delivery
FORAConnect provides healthcare organizations with the tools needed to elevate the quality of care. By enabling seamless communication, data sharing, and remote monitoring, you can ensure that patients receive timely and personalized care, leading to improved patient satisfaction and trust.
We understand the demands placed on healthcare organizations require innovative and compassionate solutions. Our solution delivers efficient health data collection and effective patient care.
We support the unique needs of your organization by seamlessly integrating with your organization as a partner in care. We understand what is needed to meet the clinical, administrative, compliance and legal requirements for successful implementation of a connected care program.
Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)
Remote Patient Monitoring streamlines healthcare services leading to better patient outcomes and greater patient satisfaction with the healthcare experience.
Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM)
RTM is an optimal solution for patients who require frequent monitoring and follow up to ensure compliance.
Chronic Care Management (CCM)
Take care of your chronic disease patients with advanced cloud-based chronic care management system.
We produce an entirely seamless system from our FDA-approved meters to personalized patient care. We partner with your organization to tailor our solution to your unique needs.
Gain extra benefits such as product training and marketing support upon becoming our partner.